Upvc door to lobby and tiled flooring.
WC, wall mounted combi boiler, tiled flooring and extractor fan.
Upvc window to rear aspect, laminate work surfaces, plumbed for washing machine, cloaks cupboard, tiled flooring and central heating radiator.
Upvc window to front aspect, central heating radiator, base units with laminate work surfaces, 1.5 ceramic sink and mixer tap, gas range and inset spotlights.
Upvc French doors to rear garden, timber shelving, central heating radiator, laminate wood flooring and wood burning stove.
Upvc door to garden and laminate wood flooring.
Laminate wood floor and stairs to first floor.
Loft access
Upvc window to rear aspect, timber floor and central heating radiator.
Open plan loft style bedroom, Upvc window to front aspect, central heating radiator, laminate wood flooring and bulit in cupboard.
Walk in shower cubicle with combi fed shower and rainfall head, WC, antique French copper cooking pot wash hand basin set into French Chic vanity unit, contemporary radiator, wood panelling to walls, tiled splashbacks, timber flooring and Upvc window to front aspect.
Small enclosed yard to the front aspect and enclosed garden to the rear with decking lanww and bedding.